Team Wilder Community Groups

This will appear on the map
This is the group's location, please give as a postcode where possible. If the group doesn't have a specific venue please give the name of the nearest village or town.
Please enter a brief description of your community group, what the groups aims are and what activities the group engages in. This information will appear on the map.
This will appear on the map
This will not be visible on the map
This will not appear on the map
The quarterly e-newsletter will be a way of finding out what else is going on around the county, possible funding opportunities and opportunities for collaborative work.

Your Contact details

Once the form is submitted a member of our team will add your community group to the map. Members of the public will then be able to search the map for groups local to them. Please provide the contact details that you are happy for the Trust to share on your behalf as per the consent given above. These details will not be made public on the map and will only be used to put you in contact with other people
My role in the community group
Are you a member of Herefordshire Wildlife Trust
I am happy to hear from Herefordshire Wildlife Trust, about the impact of my support & other ways I can get involved, by:
You can update the way you hear from us at any time by contacting our Membership Team on either 07940462285 or